Monday, October 17, 2011

(50) Extraterrestrial Life

Years back, a few years before I retired from the Government, I
met a scientist connected with the Mutual UFO Network--known
as MUFON.  At the time I was a member of the Washington
Evolutionary Systems Society, a group mainly composed of
local scientists interested in the subject of Evolutionary Systems.  
Attending their meetings, I met this gentleman.  We got to talking
about UFOs, and I made mention my interest.  He felt that perhaps
after my retirement I might consider volunteering as a MUFON
interviewer for the Northern Virginia group.
Anyway, I looked into this and discovered that there were lots
of UFO sightings in this part of the world--where I lived at the
time.  The trouble was that I had one bad ear, and my other
so-called good ear was beginning to fade.  So I wasn't sure that
I would make a good interviewer when it came to talking and
taping conversations with people who reported UFO sightings.
On top of this, I was a little bit scared.  Didn't know why I felt
this way, but at the time I was.
On the other hand at the time (around 1990) I kept up with UFO
literature that I found by digging-up news reports, books in the
library, etc.  But what caught my eye was that the Government
Repository located in nearby Maryland was planning to make
available collected UFO data due to the recently instituted
"Freedom of Information Act" by Congress.  I thought to myself
that by golly I might like doing research into some of this
stuff after I retired, might even find something interesting
that I could write about.
The trouble was that I had already started the "ball rolling" on
another track when it came to what I might do after I retired--
Science and Spirituality.
I had already enrolled in a postgraduate program at Georgetown
University.  So I put aside any "far fetched" ideas I might have
had about UFO research.  And these past twenty or so years I have
been busily engaged in the field of Science and Spirituality,
following my professional education in such by writing essays
and stories that I have placed aboard the WEB.
Lately I've extended into a "Future Focus" essay site, working
into cutting-edge scientifically oriented theological-philosophical
theoretics that can be projected into the future of Science and
Spirituality.  After this site is completed, I think I'll work
into the idea of Extraterrestrial Life, with all the accessories
such as Panspermia, Directed Panspermia, UFO phenomena (ancient and
modern), crop circles (as perhaps a means of communication) and
abduction accounts. Even if this phenomena is only borderline credible,
it's fascinating--holding import for the Present as well as the Future.
[Part of this post is derived from one of Facebook Notes, entitled
"MUFON: Almost Once," published in August 2011.]