Monday, September 28, 2009

(9) Soul

I still find it difficult to "live" myself as a soul. But now that I am
advancing in years, I think it beneficial to start trying! But how
would I go about this endeavor? Here's some points:

• I must think in terms of Energy, that I am a Conscious Energy
entity. That all of Life, on all levels, is about Energy.

• I must consider where my "true" home is. My experience
keeps pointing to a Center that seems the essence of my being.
It would seem, somehow, that this Center is my soul.

• I believe I have led previous lives, thus I subscribe to
reincarnation. Have these previous lives come out of my
Soul-Center as separate existences? Or is there a continuum
of consciousness in regard to these various existences?

• I suspect my various existences were lived as separate
personalities; yet, on the other hand, the experience of these
existences pool into my Soul-Center. And upon occasion,
perhaps memories of these other existences can impact upon
one's present existence. That's how I have tried to explain
a past-life vision I experienced, which profoundly impacted
upon the "me" that I'm living today. So there's some kind of
connection in my opinion.

• What's the point of being a soul? Only my view, but I feel
it surely must involve "soul growth"--ever evolving towards
a greater maturity of head and heart. Then what? Somehow
I can only imagine a great convergence of souls from all over
the Universe. Such a convergence could take the Universe
into another dimension of be-ing, beyond physical matter,
indeed probably beyond our religio-spiritual imaginings!

• In the meanwhile, what about here and now? As always,
I *try* to live the noble life. Rarely very successful, but I try.
What I mean is that I want to be good, I want to be noble,
obliging towards others, towards Life in general, without
having to have a carrot perched in front of my nose. I try
to self-generate this sense of nobility. Somehow I feel the
good and noble life is the soul's responsibility, that it is
part-and-parcel of our evolutionary process.

• I also want to continually inform my soul, so as to sharpen
its knowledge and intelligence. Also, I hope as I grow to
become more wise, more considerate, more compassionate.

• I want to experiment, too! What I am planning is to practice
what I call the "mind-matter" connection. Throughout my life
I've noticed definite connections with my thought and outside
synchronistic events. I think as Energy beings, we have
considerable potential in this area that we have barely begun
to realize. Perhaps as conscious Energy we might have the
capacity to form energy into material events. This is not a
unique idea, but I think we need practice.

• I will try to be less afraid of physical decay and destruction,
trying to keep in mind that I am a conscious Energy being.
Terribly difficult, one cannot deny. Still I feel I must try to work
my mind around to the fact that I am an Eternal Soul--and try to
live this life with intent and joy, rather than be fearful.

• Finally, I must become aware of what I deem a future life to
come forth from my Soul-Center. I have had intimations of such,
just as I once had a past-life vision. Indeed, I sense that what I
have been doing in the later years of this life somehow relates
to the person I will become in a future life.

So there's my points about being a soul. Not exactly a manifesto,
but it's a pretty good map for me!