Wednesday, September 30, 2009

(13) UnManifest/Manifest

The way I have understood the UnManifest, it's the great Inner
Dimension of our Universe--whether we view it as spiritual or
otherwise. And the way I have usually understood, from my
studies at least, is that the UnManifest *unfolds* its information
into the Manifest. Hence we have the Micro-Unfolding of
Consciousness into "points of consciousness" that, in them-
selves, unfold in the Cosmos.

However, questions arise: Is this one-way traffic? Or is it
two-way traffic?

Generations have longed to travel back into the UnManifest.
Religious contemplatives long "to see God," or at least lounge
in hir arms. As is oft put, we also need help in this life. So,too,
we direct prayers towards the UnManifest--hoping that we will
be heard. We honor God through out worship, through our
religious ceremonies, presuming this kind of Larger Prayer
might connect somehow with the UnManifest.

Thus, it seems we humans have long felt that we can engage
in two-way traffic between the UnManifest and the Manifest.
However, this situation--for me--rouses even more questions.

Let's harken back to the Big Bang. Scientists have confirmed
its radiation throughout the Universe. They now have enough
evidence to go back just a few seconds after this great burst
of Informed Energy; and they have been able to follow through
the various stages of the Cosmic Unfoldment unto this very day.
Profound, but our science and technology has this capability.

Still, most of our observations relate to the physical universe.
But only in our own time have scientists begun to ponder about
the Inner Dimension of the Universe via Quantum Physics.
Nowadays astrophysicists at least wonder out loud about what
prompted the Big Bang and the ensuing inflationary universe.
Usually they leave it at that. Yet for some it's a Great Mystery,
just as put long before by theologians.

With this, I have to address this question about our strange 13.7
billion-year-old universe. What is it all about? Guess that's the
biggest question in the world. We Consciousness Points ask
this question all the time, over and over. And it does seem that
the question surmises an answer; and drawing closer to an
answer, we are spurred to grow and develop towards an ever
heightened Maturity. So it goes, generation-after-generation!

As for myself, I look at the questions, look at the Mystery of the
UnManifest and the Manifest from various perspectives. and
*not* all my perspectives are spiritual. I'm actually more inclined
to believe that the spiritual perspective still remains at our
human "beginners level." Our spiritual evolution only began
to sprout with the cave people, more so with the early
civilizations of the Mesopotamian Basin, of the Ganges,
and in China. And since then we can trace the slow strange
historical development of this spiritual evolution.

More recently we humans have sprouted another perspective,
looking at the Mystery of the Universe from a rational perspective.
This led to the Enlightenment, its philosophies, and even on into
skepticism. We see the residue of this rational perspective right
now, this very day, in our own generation.

And yet another perspective is the scientific perspective. I'm
inclined toward this perspective myself. What's interesting is that
it is based on observation and eventual collaborative data. Even
more interesting, however, is where some of this scientific and
technological data is taking us! It's leading back to the Great
Mystery, and some scientists have become unafraid to ponder
on Such.

Now what many of us humans tend to do is line-up these three
perspectives and chose *one.* It's usually one over the other(s).

Now I find that approach quite limiting. Considering our
knowledge-base, it just doesn't make sense to rule out other
perspectives. What we need is, first, to recognize the genesis
of our perspective(s)--and, then, employ *all* of them, working
together, working ever towards that beckoning Answer.

I also think that by blending our perspectives, we become more
sophisticated Consciousness Points. And I think we need be!

In the end, what appears to be is a vast Cosmic System with
both inner and outer attributes, the UnManifest and the Manifest.
What we seem to have is a continuous unfolding of Information
pouring from the UnManifest, into and contributing to the
building-up of the Manifest. This seems a basic process of
this System in which we find ourselves.

Beyond this, we have begun to realize that we Consciousness
Points are likely recipients for much of this unfoldment of
information. We are likely bathed in it, but can only process and
make intelligible small drops of it at this point in our development.

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