Saturday, May 15, 2010

(25) Creativity & the Divine

Currently I am in the midst of a book about Creativity that
suggests that such is the flashpoint where the human and
Divine meet. Indeed this book goes on to discuss the creativity
of the universe, itself, describing in detail the billions of years
wherein, like an Artist, the Divine spreads forth the great Cosmic
Mural. Until, at last, after a succession of life forms, there's the
human that we are today, the creative entity who now stands
in the forefront of this beautiful little planet we call home.

Reading this book about Creativity and the Divine, I felt
swept-up into its message. The message? At first it seemed
very much about the "tools" of creativity, which for the author
was about Freedom and the Openness to Diversity.

The author didn't call for anarchy or anything like that, but
rather his book was more about a balanced sense of wonder--
and duty. Duty towards what? A duty connected with the
Wonder of it all. It wasn't a stern unwavering duty written
into the concrete of some authoritative system, but more a
duty deep in the recesses of Freedom. A freedom balanced
between spontaneity and strategic consideration.

"Strategic" suggests not only getting from point A to point B,
but it's about long-term thinking and projections. Nowadays we
seem to be pretty poor when it comes to this ability to strategize.
But that's what most artists, creators do. Before the paint hits the
canvas there's the imaginal layout that lurks in the mind. Perhaps
this is the way of the Mind of God as well, thinking through the
entire *unfolding* of the universe before setting it off on its long

But if one looks close, whether the universe, the work of an artist,
or even an author's story, there's that spontaneity that seeps in
from the very first stroke. The story starts with the plan in the
author's mind, but as it spills forth it journeys into new territories
ripe for previously unexpressed options. The same seems the case
with the artist and his or her choice of colors and nuanced motifs.
And such adventurous expressions are also observed within the
long expanse of the universe.

These free expressions are wonderfully diverse. They surely
serve as the Adventure into the ever New.